Michelle Loi

Michelle Loi

Bachelor of Arts (NUS)

Diploma in Special Education (NIE)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education Secondary (NTU)

Masters in Education (NTU)

Having taught in both the special and mainstream school settings Michelle believes that her experience with children and teens of varied abilities will steer her towards leading them to achieve their best potential

Experience and Philosophy

Michelle’s first job lasted for more than a decade, devoting herself to teaching children with intellectual disabilities aged four to eighteen years in a public special school and holding a Senior Teacher’s position until she left the organisation. With the desire to do more for children with special needs, she upgraded her qualifications and switched to teach in public secondary schools, helping adolescents with autism cope with the demands of mainstream schools.
Michelle believes that every individual child has a potential that can be further developed to his or her fullest. With the pedagogies that she has picked up from both special and mainstream education settings, and the conviction that all children should be guided to think in dynamic environments, she will do her best to let each child that comes under her grow.